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LAMS Industrial 4.0
we are EXPERTS in IoT
La Superintendencia de Confiabilidad Planta de la Gerencia de Mantenimiento Planta de División Radomiro Tomic de Codelco instaló nuestro sistema LAMSCAM en troles y grúas de la Nave EW, para garantizar la seguridad de las personas y la protección de las instalaciones y activos
Thermographic Temperature Measurement Online
M edition of temperature with thermal technology for fire prevention and monitoring of industrial processes, equipment, machinery and infrastructure critical wineries, among others.
Thermographic Temperature Measurement Online
M edition of temperature with thermal technology for fire prevention and monitoring of industrial processes, equipment, machinery and infrastructure critical wineries, among others.
Thermographic Temperature Measurement Online
M edition of temperature with thermal technology for fire prevention and monitoring of industrial processes, equipment, machinery and infrastructure critical wineries, among others.
Thermographic Temperature Measurement Online
M edition of temperature with thermal technology for fire prevention and monitoring of industrial processes, equipment, machinery and infrastructure critical wineries, among others.
Thermographic Temperature Measurement Online
M edition of temperature with thermal technology for fire prevention and monitoring of industrial processes, equipment, machinery and infrastructure critical wineries, among others.
Thermographic Temperature Measurement Online
M edition of temperature with thermal technology for fire prevention and monitoring of industrial processes, equipment, machinery and infrastructure critical wineries, among others.
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